Tuesday, April 26, 2005



There is a really cool web site that I've been a part of for quite some time but have only just recently re-joined and started using frequently again. The site is http://www.gametz.com. Each user gets their own page there, mine is here. The site is a huge database of game traders, what they have available, and what they want. It facilitates game trading by showing you match-ups for what you have compared to other's wants and vice versa. You can set up an Offer, where you suggest a trade to another user of the site, and it records what everyone agreed to do. It also helps by facilitating tracking of the packages, and everthing. Very cool stuff.

You can also enter in music CD's, or DVD movies, or even books for trade as well. There is an active community and the site has a bunch of cool forums to read about games. The site also has reviews online for a bunch of the games and the user-written reviews on that site are usually better quality than you'd find on say Amazon, because there is an editor process so the reviews must conform to a certain standard.

If you want to find a way to get something out of that game you never play anymore, check out GameTZ, and tell 'em Knight37 sent ya. Oh yeah, the site is free to use in a limited fashion, but to initiate trades you need to pay a subscription which is fairly resonably priced, or you can also try offering up something to someone in the Subscription Time forum and someone may trade some subscription time to you for something you have. If you're reading my blog then I'll set you up with a free week or two just for participating on my blog. ;) Reply with a comment to this post with your GameTZ user name.

I stumbled across this, posted it in GTZ feedback. ;-)

Your explanation of the site is very clear and concise. Kudos!
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Thanks for the feedback, I hope you enjoyed visiting my blog.
Ha! I'm so bored at work I searched for "GameTZ" on Google and found this entry. I can't access the site at work. :-( Twas a nice write up though. Hope I got my link right...
Thanks for helping spread the word about GameTZ. I've used the site for nearly five years and made nearly 200 trades. Please check us out if you like to get new games for old!

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