Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Xbox 360 Update
I have, as previously blogged, recently (June) gotten an Xbox 360. My library of games is slowly growing. Here are the titles I have so far, in the order that I aquired them. I also give each game a letter grade, A+ is best, F is worst.
Perfect Dark Zero - B+
Kameo: Elements of Power - A+
Tomb Raider Legend - A
Burnout Revenge - A+
Project Gotham Racing 3 - B+
Condemned: Criminal Origins - A-
Far Cry Instincts Predator - B+
Dead Rising - A-
Saint's Row - A+
Xbox Live Arcade:
Geometry Wars - A
I'll be posting mini-reviews of each game over time.
I have also rented the following games, but decided not to purchase:
Full Auto - C-
Battle for Middle Earth 2 - B- (decided to buy PC version)
Perfect Dark Zero - B+
Kameo: Elements of Power - A+
Tomb Raider Legend - A
Burnout Revenge - A+
Project Gotham Racing 3 - B+
Condemned: Criminal Origins - A-
Far Cry Instincts Predator - B+
Dead Rising - A-
Saint's Row - A+
Xbox Live Arcade:
Geometry Wars - A
I'll be posting mini-reviews of each game over time.
I have also rented the following games, but decided not to purchase:
Full Auto - C-
Battle for Middle Earth 2 - B- (decided to buy PC version)